A blog about horror movies that take place during Halloween or fall season and where to watch them. With posts containing movie news, trailers, official posters, fan art, poster collections, stills/screen captures, reviews, video mixtapes, short films, and vhs, dvd, blu-ray, 4K uhd covers.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Watch HALLOWEEN (1978) and HALLOWEEN II (1981) WOC; TV Guide Ads and VHS Covers

Bob Larkin's concept art (above) and the final TV Guide ad art (below) for the 1981 NBC TV airing of Halloween (1978). Notice they had to remove the knife from Michael Myers hand. Read more info about Bob Larkins Halloween ad.

David Burk from Halloween: The Sister Trilogy facebook page colorized the TV Guide ad:

I don't know who created this colorized version of the ad:

Larry "Monster Movie App" Talbot created this VHS cover below:

Here's a closer look at Talbot's Halloween VHS cover in Candy Corn Apocalypse's YouTube video review:

I found these TV Guide scanned pages (below) online at Garage Salin's blog...

...and I created my own version of the VHS cover:

Here is the orange variant...

...and green variant:

Watch a VHS recording of the original 10/30/1981 NBC TV airing of Halloween (1978) with original commercials uploaded by GothTV:

Sadist Art Designs Halloween II TV Guide ad artwork...

...inspired me to create these Halloween II (1981) VHS covers...

...orange variant...

...green variant:

Watch a VHS recording of the original 10/25/1988 56WLVI TV airing of Halloween II (1981) with original commercials uploaded by Jason Scott: