A blog about horror movies that take place during Halloween or fall season and where to watch them. With posts containing movie news, trailers, official posters, fan art, poster collections, stills/screen captures, reviews, video mixtapes, short films, and vhs, dvd, blu-ray, 4K uhd covers.

Friday, August 22, 2014

PUMPKIN TALES (2013) Halloween Anthology Short Horror Film

IMDb.com Synopsis: Pumpkin Tales tells the story of El as she connects with the online community by telling four Halloween tales of revenge, witchcraft, troublesome trick or treaters and ghosts.

I really like the opening sequence and graphics throughout the film, kinda like Creepshow. Some of the audio is a little low especially in the first story which is the weakest of all the stories. The second story is about a father and daughter vs. a witch. I like the third story the best, it duplicates a scene from 2007's Trick 'r Treat. The last story is called The Last Trick or Treater. Pretty good little anthology film, i enjoyed watching. Created by www.MrStitchFilms.co.uk, Like them on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mrstitchfilms to view upcoming films.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


For Halloween this year Skeleton Farm Productions is putting together a new video mixtape of music and clips called The Return of Skeleton Farm's Halloween Horrorshow (2014):

Here is a little teaser trailer for the new 2014 Halloween themed video mixtape.

A video mixtape, if you’re not familiar, is a collection of “the best parts” from movies, rock videos, commercials, TV shows, or whatever, edited together in rapid fire fashion. Brian is finishing up the movie right now, packaging is done. Stay tuned to the Skeleton Farm Productions facebook page for the announcement of the release date. Images from facebook:

I loved the original 2010 video mixtape Skeleton Farm's Halloween Horrorshow and watch it 2 or 3 times a year. You can buy the original 2010 version on dvd at the Skeleton Farm Productions facebook page. Or you can watch it online at http://vimeo.com/channels/643781. Go check it out before it gets yanked due to copyright claims.

Here is the promo trailer for the original 2010 Skeleton Farm's Halloween Horrorshow:

Original 2010 DVD cover:

Monday, August 18, 2014

ALL HALLOWS EVIL: LORD OF THE HARVEST (2012) Behind the Scenes/Screams

A behind the scenes look at the cast and crew of ALL HALLOWS EVIL: LORD OF THE HARVEST (2012) including two deleted scenes from the film. Watch the full film at YouTube.

Only a couple of Limited Edition Blu-ray's of the film are left for sale, just message your Paypal email address to John McLellen at www.facebook.com/ALLHALLOWSEVIL to buy your copy for $20. Comes with a bonus Halloween/Michael Myers Fan film called REVENGE OF THE SANDMAN.

UPDATE 10/13/2014: You can now buy the Directors Cut Limited Edition Blu-ray of the film on ebay at http://www.ebay.com/itm/Halloween-Horror-feature-film-All-Hallows-Evil-Lord-of-the-Harvest-Bluray-/141420968399. This edition is signed by the director and numbered. only LIMITED COPIES available.

Friday, August 15, 2014

V/H/S (2012) Poster, Trailer and Screencaps of 10/31/98 segment

SYNOPSIS from IMDb.com: When a group of misfits is hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a desolate house and acquire a rare VHS tape, they discover more found footage than they bargained for.

After reading bad reviews, I wasn't expecting much but I ended up enjoying each segment. Especially the final segment which takes place on Halloween, called 10/31/98. Friends set off for a Halloween party dressed up in costumes, but they end up finding themselves in a demoniacally haunted house at the absolute worst time possible. Screencaps from 10/31/98:

View more screencaps of the whole film at http://vhsmovie.blogspot.com.

V/H/S trailer:


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Buy ALL HALLOWS EVIL: LORD OF THE HARVEST (2012) on Limited Edition Blu-ray

UPDATE 10/31/2023: Watch the full film at YouTube.

John McLellen at www.facebook.com/ALLHALLOWSEVIL has a limited amount of Blu-ray discs for sale of the 2012 film ALL HALLOWS EVIL: LORD OF THE HARVEST. Just send him a message on the films Facebook page with how many copies you would like and your Paypal email address and he will send you a Paypal invoice for $20.00 each, first come first serve. The copies will be ready for shipping next week.

UPDATE 10/13/2014: You can now buy the Directors Cut Limited Edition Blu-ray of the film on ebay at http://www.ebay.com/itm/Halloween-Horror-feature-film-All-Hallows-Evil-Lord-of-the-Harvest-Bluray-/141420968399. This edition is signed by the director and numbered. Only LIMITED COPIES available.

Here is the film synopsis from IMDb.com:

An Evil force is summoned on All Hallows Eve, and now the sleepy town of Hallowed Hill will endure the dark Lords vengeance.

Here is the teaser trailer:

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Help Fund Rob Zombie's Horror Film "31"; Concept Art

Rob Zombie has launched the site RZ-31.com where more details about his upcoming horror film 31 were revealed. He needs your help to fund the making of his film which will take place during Halloween. Taken from the http://www.fanbacked.com/c/31-rob-zombie-film/:

Welcome to my next film. It is called 31. It is the story of five random people kidnapped on the five days leading up to Halloween and held hostage in a place called Murder World.

While trapped inside this man-made Hell they must fight to survive playing the most violent game known to man... a game called 31.

31 has no rules. 31 has no boundaries. It is ever so simple. Do whatever you can do to kill your opponent before they kill you. Keep this up for 12 hours and freedom is yours.

Who are the opponents? Well... a group of vile, filthy, blood-thirsty clowns known as THE HEADS. They come in all shapes and sizes and each grows nastier than the last.

To help out, read more and/or view videos of Rob Zombie talking about the film go to RZ-31.com or http://www.fanbacked.com/c/31-rob-zombie-film/