A blog about horror movies that take place during Halloween or fall season and where to watch them. With posts containing movie news, trailers, official posters, fan art, poster collections, stills/screen captures, reviews, video mixtapes, short films, and vhs, dvd, blu-ray, 4K uhd covers.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


WGN Channel 9 promo:

In a Halloween Special that aired in September/October of 1986, Canadian-American impressionist and voice actor Rich Little hosted a TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE marathon where four previously aired episodes where shown with Little doing celebrity impressions in between them.

I tried to recreate the broadcast with the videos in this post. The info about the special I wrote here is taken from the video descriptions and comments posted. Some info was wrong but I updated the post with itzmurda's corrected comment below. Thanks for commenting!

This first video was recorded from WPIX 11 in New Jersey or New York and contains commercials, political ads and ends with Rich Little's impression of Alfred Hitchcock as he intros the marathon.

This second video contains the same Alfred Hitchcock intro as above plus Rich Little's impression of Vincent Price (pictured in the 1st photo in the TV Guide ad at top) presenting the first episode which was “INSIDE THE CLOSET.” Little also appears as Bela Lugosi's Dracula (2nd pic) introducing the second episode "STRANGE LOVE," both eps have been edited out. I embedded both full episodes below the following video.

This video is the TFTD full episode “INSIDE THE CLOSET” without ads watch below or at dailymotion.com:

...and TFTD episode "STRANGE LOVE" below:

This fifth video was recorded on October 31th, 1986 over WGN-TV on a Friday night at 8pm EST. Little's remaining wraparounds are in this video which also includes several Chicago-centric ads and nine o'clock news footage. All other recordings on this tape were from local Denver TV and all date to within a month or two of the broadcast.

Rich Little imitates Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance from 1980 film The Shining (3rd pic down in the TV Guide ad at top) as he hosts the episode "MONSTERS IN MY ROOM." He also appears as Boris Karloff to intro/outro the final episode "TRICK OR TREAT," then closes out the marathon as himself. Both eps were also edited out and are posted below.

Watch the full TFTD "MONSTERS IN MY ROOM" episode:

@garbage_pail_flix remixed this video that contains TFTD episode "TRICK OR TREAT" edited with commercials and Rich Little's Boris Karloff impression taken from the above videos. Watch below or at archive.org.

Or watch the full TFTD "TRICK OR TREAT" episode without ads below. I created the custom VHS cover above using artwork by Abrar Ajmal at www.aaillustrations.co.uk:

Watch the other 2 TFTD episodes that also take place on Halloween below, first is "HALLOWEEN CANDY"...

...Followed by "THE CUTTY BLACK SOW":

Halloween and more episodes streaming on Shudder promos:

The official Volume 7 VHS release of TFTD (vhs cover above) contains "TRICK OR TREAT" plus the following two episodes, "IN THE CARDS", though the video below is labeled the wrong episode title, it's not "All a Clone by the Telephone"...

...and "A CASE OF THE STUBBORNS" also labeled wrong episode title, it's not "The Word Processor of the Gods"...

...or watch any episode from all 4 seasons of TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE at: https://www.dailymotion.com/search/tales from the darkside/videos


    Rich Little imperson-
    ates Alfred Hitchcock, Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi, Jack Nicholson and Boris Karloff to introduce four series episodes: "Inside the Treat," "Strange Love," "Monsters in My Room" and "Trick or Treat.”

  2. Copy/pasting of an image caused the first episode to be labeled incorrectly. It should be “Inside the Closet.”
