A blog about horror movies that take place during Halloween or fall season and where to watch them. With posts containing movie news, trailers, official posters, fan art, poster collections, stills/screen captures, reviews, video mixtapes, short films, and vhs, dvd, blu-ray, 4K uhd covers.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

What's on Tonight: ALL HALLOWS' EVE: TRICKSTER (2023) Will Unleash Hell + Reviews

From Ruthless Studios, All Hallows’ Eve: Trickster is now streaming on TubiTV. This is the third part of the All Hallows’ Eve franchise, which introduced the iconic slasher Art the Clown back in 2013. In the new anthology movie…

“When a lost traveler comes across an isolated rural gas station on Halloween night, she thinks she’s found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degenerate, devilish creatures. As the night descends into a hellish nightmare, the young woman becomes the center of an occult ritual featuring the devil himself.”

“During the early days of my career, my focus was always cheerleading the world of indie horror and its talented filmmakers. Getting a chance to continue to do so by breathing new life into some cool projects was an opportunity I couldn’t resist,” says Barton. “After a short film completes its festival run, it usually ends up languishing somewhere online with no one to watch it. From now on, the All Hallows’ Eve franchise will be a place for these movies to thrive and for these filmmakers to get the notice that they have so richly earned.”

C.E.O. of Ruthless Pictures, Jesse Baget, says, “Steve and Miguel have become two of the most trusted names in the horror genre. It was a pleasure working with them to scare up some new shivers for fans!” Baget continues, “Showcasing the work of indie filmmakers and giving their projects a place to shine outside of the various online platforms is vital for the trajectory of the horror genre. As we advance, the overall plan for the All Hallows’ Eve franchise is to create a shared universe where all of these monsters, maniacs, and spooky fun stuff can coexist.”

Directed by Evan Tramel, Mike Hickey, Jean-Paul Disciscio, Dan Lazarovits, Evan Gorski, and Francisco Lacerda. Produced by Steve Barton, Jesse Baget, and Miguel Rodriguez. The cast includes Mallory Fisher, Ann Marie Shea, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Alen Kolenovic, Tyler Steelman, and Francisco Lopes.

Don't know why the trailer is 20 seconds of Art the Clown, who is not even in the movie, and most of the remaining time is just fucking darkness.


SPOILERS!! All Deaths in All Hallows' Eve: Trickster (2023):

WHERE TO WATCH All Hallows Eve: Trickster (2023):


"...it's on par quality wise with its predecessor; not a complete shit bomb, but no rewatchable horror show that'll revolutionize the genre either. All Hallows' Eve: Trickster is more substandard flair that does not need to exist. But it does and therefore I say simply to give it a chance only if you're a die-hard fan of these films or anthologies in general." ★★ DopeAssGhost at Letterboxd.com

"It's lame. One of the shorts involves a one eyed alien raping a sleazy guy with a mutant dick...that was gross. None of the other segments stand out aside from some cool looking creatures just hanging out during the wraparound. The wraparound could've been a fun horror flick all it's own." ★★ xdude87 at Letterboxd.com

"Super inconsistent horror anthology with a wraparound that made zero sense. I really enjoyed a couple of segments but this really doesn’t cut it as a whole. This is a watch once and be done with it for me…" ★★½ internalburn at Letterboxd.com

YouTube Review:


  1. Will have to add to the watchlist, thanks! And thank you for all the awesome posts! 🎃👻🦇 Happy Halloween! 🎃👻🦇

    1. Happy Halloween thanks for checking out the posts this year! The film wasn't that great.

  2. Man I am not an Art fan, but I really liked All Hollow's Eve 2. But this has been sitting in my to watch list on tubi, so I may give it a shot...

    1. I didn't like the wraparound story, the shorts were good but one has a male rape scene. It's done for laughs but idk what that has to do with Halloween.
